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Our NEA Director

Kathy Simpler is our representative on the NEA Board of Directors, the top decision making body of our national affiliate which includes at least one director from each state affiliate.
NEA Director Kathy Simpler smiles for a portrait wearing a blue blazer.

Kathy Simpler grew up commercial fishing in Prince William Sound and became a permanent resident of Alaska in 1989. She received her B.Ed. from the University of Alaska-Fairbanks and her M.Ed. from Cambridge College. Kathy moved to Kodiak in 1996 to teach K/1 and never left. After 27 years in a primary classroom, she now works as the Migrant Ed. Facilitator for her district. 

Kathy has served her local union as President, facilitator for her bargaining team and in many other capacities as needed. She has also served NEA-Alaska on the board as a region director, representing Region 2.

Kathy has been your NEA Director since 2022. She represents NEA-Alaska at national meetings and advocates on education issues with our legislative representatives in Washington, D.C. She also works closely with President Klaameyer and Vice President Capelle on education issues that matter most to Alaskan students and educators.

Email Kathy


Reach. Teach. Inspire.

NEA-Alaska advocates for an excellent public education for each child in Alaska and advances the interests of public school employees.